
Read this blog to learn how to optimize 优质材料螺旋垫圈 for your operation.

优质材料螺旋垫圈, 也叫砂螺丝或洗螺, 是简单而知名的洗涤设备吗, 砂的分级脱水. 多年来,它们一直是该行业的主要菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,这是有充分理由的. Screw washers can process high volumes of material and adapt to fluctuations in the feed with less power consumption compared to other types of sand washing equipment.

螺杆垫圈也可以使用很长时间许多人在该领域工作了几十年. 如果你的螺旋垫圈性能有问题, 这很可能是由于缺水或过多的水造成的, 或者是 螺丝的大小不对 首先. 有时, 生产商可以让这些机器超越极限, 要求他们做比设计参数更多的事情. 在所有这些例子中, the producer may experience performance issues or inefficiency that can have them wondering if there is a 更好的洗砂选择.

如果你发现你的砂螺杆没有表现得像你想的那样好, 你不必现在就开始寻找新的沙厂. You can optimize your screw for several different functions to make it work best for you.

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螺旋垫圈用于分离不需要的细粒 product-sized砂. 然而,有时,菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全大小的颗粒可能会随着废水溢出. To retain these “good” fines, you can make slight adjustments to your process or to the screw itself.


优质材料螺旋垫圈 are designed with adjustable overflow weirs at the sides and back of the washer box at the feed end of the machine. 这些堰可以升高或降低,以增加或减少细粒滞留. Raising the weirs allows less material to overflow to waste and more fine material to be retained, 做更精细的切割. 降低堰允许更多的材料溢出浪费,使切割更粗糙.




优质材料螺旋垫圈 can be equipped with a 升流分级器 to help remove unwanted fines. The mechanism injects a rising current of water beneath the pool area to separate the fines and keep them in suspension so that they overflow with the wastewater.

如果菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全大小的罚款被浪费了, reduce the flow of water to the 升流分级器 or shut it off completely.


如果需要增加罚款的保留, 别忘了查看你的信息流, 包括喂料的组成和螺杆是如何喂料的.

关于饲料的组成, 小心不要使螺丝超载, 要么是水太多,要么是饲料流太多. 螺丝的尺寸适用于进料中的水和固体, 每种尺寸的机器都需要特定的水量来进行所需的切割. 如果进料流超过所需切割的溢出量, 多余的水可能会带着菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全大小的颗粒一起被浪费掉.

Check the water and material balance to ensure the overflow matches the desired retention goal This may require removing a dilute stream to be treated in a different manner in order to optimize screw performance.

关于螺杆的进给方式, 最佳沉降菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全大小的细粒, 挡板后面的泳池区域应尽可能保持平静. 池区过多的湍流会阻止良好的颗粒沉降.

最大限度地减少湍流,最大限度地保留细砂, 确保砂浆的进料指向挡板的出料侧. The baffle plate helps to separate the washing area from the feed area to keep the pool area calm.


Although the screw shaft speed is often set by the manufacturer to achieve the goals of the application, 它可以调整以保留或去除细砂. 螺杆转速越快,输送细砂的难度越大. 细沙会从螺杆上滑回洗涤箱, 是什么导致了洗衣机里的微粒堆积.

适用于细砂应用, the screw speed may need to be reduced to ensure the fines stay on the screw flights to be conveyed toward the discharge. Keep in mind, however, that a reduction in screw speed will also reduce overall capacity of the unit.


If you’ve optimized your screw for fines retention and are still seeing a loss of product-sized fines to waste, 不要担心. 你不需要更换螺丝就可以收回这些罚款.


To 回收菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全大小的罚款 如果被浪费了,可以考虑加一个 清洗系统. 清道夫系统由贮槽组成, 泵和分离器™, 哪个安装在螺丝的出料端. 从螺旋垫圈流出的溢流被引导到污水池,而不是浪费掉. 从那里,将其泵入分离器™. 分隔符™ 恢复菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全大小的罚款 and discharges them as partially dewatered sand onto the dry deck area of the screw.

Another benefit of recovering product-sized fines with a 清洗系统 is a reduction in the amount of material reporting to the settling pond. 这还有一个额外的好处 减少池塘清理频率 和维护.

Just be sure the addition of the product-sized fines will not throw your final product out of spec.

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细料螺旋清洗机提供一定程度的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全脱水, discharging sand with a moisture content of around 20% depending on the application. The sand is stackable and conveyable; however, the stockpile will often have to sit for a while so that excess water can leach out before the product can be sold.



虽然这听起来可能违反直觉, adding washback or flushing water in the dry deck area of the screw can actually improve product dryness.


当沙子被输送到倾斜的干甲板上,向卸货方向移动, 多余的水和沙子从沙子中流失. 在单轴设置, the sand is conveyed up one side of the dry deck area and the water drains on the other side. 在双轴设置, the sand is conveyed up the middle of the dry deck area and the water drains on the sides. Washback or flushing water is typically injected via nozzles on the drainage side to direct excess water and fines back to the pool area.

没有冲洗水或冲洗水量不正确, 在干燥的甲板上,沙子会堆积起来, limiting the amount of dewatering that can take place and discharging a wetter product.

改善菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全干燥度, ensure the correct amount of washback water to allow for a clear channel f或者是 water to drain. A rule of thumb to remember is that the washback water should be enough that you can see the metal of the curved dewatering plate lining the dry deck area.


脱水屏幕 produce a drip-free product that is stackable, conveyable and ready for immediate sale. They can be installed directly under the discharge end of the screw to accept the partially dewatered material and produce a drier product than a screw alone. This reduces the amount of water discharging with the sand and the amount of time the stockpile will have to dewater before it can be sold. 在某些情况下,从脱水筛排出的沙子可以立即出售.

不仅增加了脱水筛 改善库存保养,但它也改善了网站的整体管理. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全中的水分越少,输送机下面的混乱就越少. 它还减少了与湿砂相关的皮带清洁维护, 哪些会附着在传送带上.


如果你的饲料中有多余的粉或水, 你可以通过预洗物料来提高螺杆的效率.


Separators™ can be used to feed 优质材料螺旋垫圈 with the added benefit of removing minus 200 mesh material ahead of time, 在物料进入螺杆前进行预洗. This ensures a nice clean feed to the screw and allows it to operate more efficiently.

同样,分离器™也可用于减少稀料流中的水. As aforementioned, screw washers require a set amount of water to make a desired cut. If the feed stream is too dilute and exceeds the amount of water needed f或者是 desired cut, a Separator™ can scalp out some of the water ahead of the screw to improve efficiency. This also saves you from having to upgrade to a larger screw to handle the excess water.


优质材料螺旋垫圈 are still a great choice for washing, 砂的分级脱水. 为您的应用优化您的螺丝, 考虑调整溢流堰, 升流分级器, 浆料的进料和螺杆速度,以保持菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全大小的细粒. 追回因浪费而损失的罚款, 考虑添加Separator™来处理溢出, 或者考虑给螺杆加分离器,以提高效率. 对于干燥菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, check the washback water or consider adding a 脱水 Screen to put the finishing touches on partially dewatered sand discharged from a screw.

与这些调整螺丝和/或过程, 或者增加低资本成本的加工设备, 您可以确保您的螺杆是您的应用程序的最佳操作.

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